
Now is the Time

I don't know why I decided this was the time.  Why this was the time I would do something I had always wanted to do (well, since 2004 anyway).  Why this was the time to start a blog.  Why now as I was sitting here with my three sons, home from school for snow day #2, lost in a haze of too much t.v., too much togetherness, too much arguing.  Why now?

Why not?

I've always wanted to write.  I couldn't do it in high school.  After all, at my all-female, Catholic high school, only the "cool girls" took journalism~and I wasn't one of those.

In college, it was my best friend's desire to be a journalist, not mine.

And in my life after school, I was filling my time as a teacher and searching for my prince, so I could begin "the rest of my life."

But the desire was always there.  So much so, in fact, I kept a binder full of anything I had ever written - poetry inspired by love, short stories inspired by nothing more than boredom, musings on any number of life's situations in which I found myself.

It wasn't until a diagnosis rocked my world in April of 2009 that I learned that I really had a voice and a story to tell that people would listen and respond to.

So why not now...isn't it time?
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